
navigations on the girls brigade words

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

hello :x
as usual, im spamming th blog.
nobody bothers t update siah :x
siannnnn :x
holidays suck,
but our sec two bbq rocked right :D
so trueeeeee huh.
talk t you all dead people.
just spam th tagboard with LOVEEEEE
10:49 PM
Thursday, September 17, 2009

this people are so rubbish,
give you all password and email.
then dont want blog, all rubbbish!
today, im pissed.
grrrrr, rawr, im fierce!

3:04 AM
Monday, September 14, 2009

gahhhh, somebody
go write on this blog:D
everybody, prepare for a senior contingent outing in oct:D
please try to make yourselves free:D
goodluck for end of year:D
2:41 AM
Thursday, July 23, 2009

hello ;D

hope you all are enjoying school ;D
hahaha .
i cant wait for drill to resume and get thanksgiving over and done with .
hahahah .
im sooo tired , i love most of you but not all ...
muackies ,
faith alalalalal
5:11 AM
Thursday, July 16, 2009

drill has been like switching days ;D
get consent forms from me okay ;D
hahah , boomboompow .
lovelove .
6:03 AM
Sunday, July 5, 2009

goodmorning people;D
sorry for not updating you all about the drill practice thing .
for now , it will be on mon and thurs , 14 30-17 30
those who cannot make it must let me know ;D
it's for thanksgiving .
ms wong havent confirmed with me whether we are having practice .
for now , keep listening to the song , and recall the steps .
grace will faint when she see us do drill man .
hahah , will update soon .
loveyouall man
8:23 PM
Monday, June 29, 2009

hello ,
FAITH here !
nobody update this blog
so DEAAD .
but nevermind .

i ask-ed ms wong whether we are going to have drill practice
for the thanksgiving , she said that if ms ho says we're not suppose to have cca .
then we wont be performing during thanksgiving .
take note okay , maybe we'll do it during national day parade .
not sure yet .
see how lorh ;D
loveyou all okay ,
take care .
sorry for th pic , my photobucket something wrong .
so will change the pic tmr .
1:34 AM
Friday, June 26, 2009

nobody blog this blog .
so dead lerh .
i used CTC camp pics and made a poster .
it's kinda small . but you can download from photobucket .
7:01 PM
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

which one you all want ? the first slideshow or second one .
i havent finish putting the pics .

3:26 AM

hello ,
corporals camp is over .
YAY ! rejoice .
anyway , drill display for thanksgiving is confirmed .

3:04 AM
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Cheer up ! (:

Cheer up ! ;D
Don't ever do that . we all will miss yew ! D:
Don't be sad & cheer up kays ? ;x


6:36 AM
Thursday, May 21, 2009

crap .
me did badly for exams .
how did you people do ?
i spent three days in genting .
totally cut off from the outside world
no computer , no handphone
but it's okay , i had fun .
anyw , no one's gonna blog anymore .
anyway , i want to have another senior contingent outing .
is it okay ?
jolene suggested that we o watch movies or something ,
let me know soon
loveyou peoples .
want to know more abt my genting trip ?
you can go to my blog .
i cant link-ed it now , cause im in the library .
will do it when im home .
anyway , got to go .
for th sec twos , there's corporals' camp .
are you looking forward to it ?

11:11 PM
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Good luck (:


Good luck for your exam everyone ! (:

& thanks faith for wishing my early birthday that day ! ;D

From ,
1:41 AM
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wish everyone good luck for exams!
10:23 PM
Saturday, April 25, 2009

helllo .
im a baika .
i sprained my ankle .
and i think i can officially announce that
11:03 PM
Saturday, April 18, 2009

hi hi ..
nothing to post .
exams period coming soon
so jiayou jiayou .
sad that th sec fours and fives are leaving us .
and ohya , annabelle birth-day is coming .
lol . nothing much to say
except STUDY !
9:51 AM
Saturday, April 4, 2009

wei ..
why nobody blog on senior contingent blog ..
if no one want to blog , i want to close this blog lerh:(
somebody blog please ..
anyone want to have another senior contingent outing ..
dont eat larh ..
go wild wild wet or escape theme park
or bowling or just shopping ..
after mid year , okay ..
anyway , we can have chalet ..
all of us sleep over ..
hahah :D
i dont mind .. can have bbq
and spend tym together ..
8:56 PM
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

what the crappy shit ..
haix ...
why no one tagg or blog ..
as i said , no one blogs
and no one taggs
and this is DEAD !!!
what the ...
anyone want t lead singspiration with me ?
let me know ..
sms me yar ..

5:14 AM
Friday, March 27, 2009

peek-a-boo !!
hahah:D had so much fun ytd at the lunch and dinner ..
i ate so much till i burst:P
esther either dont write or write until sooooo LONG !!
i 10 posts also cannot beat your one post ..
i seriously miss drill practices ...
no LUNCH with ESTHER or GRACE anymore ..
aargh .. LOL !
anyway , thanks juntian for teh famous amos cookies !!
annabelle talk so much with esther ytd ..
dhen i no chance ..
LOL !! im NOT jealous !!!
can we have another senior contingent outing ?
just us senior :D
we can go escape theme park or wild wild wet:D
or we have chalet:D
can someone plan it please ?????
tomorrow enrolment rehearsal .. rmb wear boots
hahah:D love you all !!!!

6:09 AM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dear all!! Can finally blog and write something.. Was busy with lesson plans and lesson plans and observation..

Like Grace, I would like to thank each and single one of one.. Really.. Like what she has said, when we are having our first few drill trainings, many of you have shared with us that you do not like drill, some even hated drill finding that it is a waste of time whereby you can spend your time to study.. And when you are doing drill, you will only get scolded and having to stand under the hot sun and training so hard till your muscles ache etc.. But like what i have told you girls before, you girls are one of most teachable batch of girls.. Despite hating or not liking drill etc, you girls still come down for every single drill practice faithfully.. Telling us valid reasons when you are unable to make it.. Both Grace and me do not have to worry at your attendance at all.. Really!! And it is something we are appreciate and grateful for.. Cause it is really hard to train for creative drill with anyone missing.. (All of you should know it..:p) We did scold you girls when you make mistakes etc.. Despite being so unhappy about it, you girls face it with a smile and continue on with the drill trainings without showing us attitude.. Some even make an effort to take note of it and improve on it..

All of you are rather sweet too.. Giving us cards.. Flowers and even the mini prize presentation.. Taking effort to do it.. And trying your best to distract us so that we are unaware of it.. Hahaha!

I really admire and like your contingent's attitude when facing with problems and stress.. I know that it is not easy to juggle your school work, GB and drill practices.. All of you feel that you do not have a choice whereby you can choose to participate in the drill competition or not.. But you still face it with a postitive attitude.. And when some of you break down because of the many things to do and the stress level rising up having to memorise your school work for exams as well as the many many creative steps movements, you girls did not forget to encourage one another and help one another.. It really touched my hearts looking at how close you girls have become through all the drill trainings.. Enjoying each other company.. Like what i have said before, drill is not about doing the drill movements well.. It is about teamwork and having to do drill with your friends.. And remember how i always ask you girls to encourage one another and help one another.. You girls did it!! See how close you girls have become after the drill trainings and hope to stay close to one another.. It is something more precious than getting Gold and Challenge Shield.. Isn't it?? It is the friendship formed that is really precious and more lasting.. You girls really face each challenges coming along the way with a smile and positive attitude.. It is something that i can learn from you too.. Remember what Grace have told you before?? It is not about all of you learning from us.. But we can learn from you too.. And i have really learnt alot from all of you.. I believed Grace too!!

Hope that through all these drill trainings, all of you have learnt lots of things too.. Learn about teamwork.. Being more confident in all the things you do.. And know God better in a personal way.. I am really thankful and so proud of all of you whereby you remember to thank God for what you have achieved.. Knowing that he sees all of you through.. Granting you the strength needed.. Being with you always.. And most importantly.. Like what i have said.. You might not totally like and enjoy drill even after the competition.. But as long as you know and appreciate the beauty that drill can brings.. We would have achieved it... And you girls did achieved the goal that as a contingent, you have set for your contingent.. And that is to get Gold.. Isn't it something to be thankful and grateful for...

And i will miss all the drill trainings as well as the time spent with all of you.. Thanks for being so funny, sweet and fun to be with.. And giving the opportunity to know each and everyone of you better.. I can still remember how you girls are so so scared of me initially.. Saying that i have split personalities.. The "Esther 1" and Esther 2"... (hahaha! :p).. To joking with me and even disturbing me now.. Hahaha!! I will really missed that..

And finally, thank you for doing your very best during the competition... I know that each and everyone of you is so so nervous and scared.. Keep going toilet when you arrived at the venue.. Cried after the uniform inspection.. Cant even smile like what you girls usually do.. So serious.. And keep breathing in and out.. With actions.. And having to look at me.. (Cause i am pretty.. Hahaha!! As you are not allowed to watch other contingent's competition) And how you girls requested another prayer when we have prayed for you already.. It really shows me how scared and nervous you are.. (And how all of you know how to depend on God when you are nervous).. Making me so so nervous too.. That i don't know what to do but to make you girls breathe in and out with me.. With actions.. And all of you did it.. So cute.. And funny!! But once you are in the competition ground, every single one of you gave in your best.. I am really impressed with your creative drill.. How each and everyone of you looks so smart, lifting up your legs 90 degress.. Smartness in each and every execution of each movement.. You girls should see my face.. I am really so so shocked and impressed.. Even officers from other compaines are shocked and impressed too.. Almost everyone stopped what they are doing and look at your creative drill.. Telling me how good you girls have been.. Really.. At that moment.. I am so so proud of all of you.. Despite being so scared and nervous, you girls can still do so well.. You have overcome your nervousness to do well.. Something that i should learn from you too.. But really.. All of you have grown so much.. Be it in terms of your character or the drill movements.. From not liking drill to a contingent which gets Gold.. Every single one of you have put in so so much effort.. Time.. Hardwork.. Give yourself a pat.. All of you did great!! Really.. And we are really so proud of you.. Really!! Thank you once again.. And hope that everything you have learned, you will not only apply it in drill but also in your daily lives.. Doing and giving your best in everything you do too.. Take care and see you girls soon.. :)

Esther 1 (:p)
4:48 AM

These are something that I made, click to open it and see :D

@nd coy

Thanks for everything :D
Signing of, Joyce
(My style is copyrighted)
3:29 AM
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

hello people ,
quick post ..
loveyouall so much
and cant wait for the outing together on thurs ..
hahah ..
really need rush off now..
miss you all so much ..

6:03 AM
Monday, March 23, 2009


hey girls! You all had really done well for this drill competition! I am really very proud of every single one of you:) I still remember the first time when I meet you all for drill in school, we sat in a circle before drill starts. I was asking all of you "Do you like drill?", many of you said no because it's tiring and take up alot alot of your time, and some hated drill alot too! You all did say that you all join this drill competition partly its because you all don't have a choice.

Going through the trainings and practices with you all every single week, I know that it hasn't been easy for you all too! The need to juggle well with both school work, tests and drill had been tough. haha but you all still manage to go through it and didn't give up!;) It touches my heart too!

I must say that everyone of you have grown!;) There may be times where you are unhappy about gb having so many things to do, unhappy with one another in the contingent, unhappy about the stress to remember soooo many steps in creative drill and many many more! By looking back right now, it has been great and an awesome memories for us! I had really a blessed and fruitful time with you all! Getting to know you all better, spending time tgt with all of you!:)

Having drill camp tgt, staying up late to do homework tgt, laughing and having fun tgt!:D Though drill times may be tough and tiring but don't you agree with me that we really learn alot of things through these few months of training tgt?

I want to say a BIG BIG THANK YOU to all of you! For working hard together with me:) & most importantly, we have learned more about God too! And trusting in Him through this whole drill competition! Without God, we are not able to get GOLD at all. But we did! Because God is working harder than us & watching over us everyday!

Can everyone do something in this blog?:) I want everyone of us to go and reflect and think about what have you learned through this past few months of trainings tgt. It can be one or more things that you have learned:) Be it about God, about drill, about anything, post it up on this blog and we can share with one another!

WELL DONE GIRLS! You all really did a great job!;)

Love, Grace
7:07 AM
Sunday, March 22, 2009

hey seniors ,
it's really okay that we nvr get th shield !!
really , it's really the friends we make ,
the values we learnt , the way we work as a team that matters !!
grace and esther is really proud of us that we achieved a gold ..
i really enjoyed the times we train ..
it's really feeling weird that we are not having drill practices anymore ..
i will really miss it as well as the times we spent together ..
thankyou grace and esther and all of you who helped us
polish our boots ..
tie our hair ..
sew our uniform .
iron our cap ..
getting us the accessories ..
and those who has being cheering us on ..
and also buying us FOOD when we're hungry ..
yar , and for helping us with everything !!
for most of us , it's our first tym in drill ,
so a GOLD is really GOOD !
i'll really miss the memories we have together ..
thanks for teaching me how to be a good timer ..
and thanks for everything !!
i made very good friends here ..
and through this competition , i learnt alot from you all ..
when this competition is over , i felt a part of me is missing ..
there will not be drill anymore ..
argh ..

2:18 AM
Friday, March 20, 2009

Hello Senior team!
It's the competition tomorrow, how are you all feeling?
Don't be too nervous on competition grounds okay.
Say a little prayer together before going in! :D


Lots of love,
3:55 AM
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Joyce's words

Weee! Tomorrow is Drill competition.
Yes I guess everyone is is nervous. Just try our best.
Btw, Sunday is my birthday eve :DD I plan to go out with my some GB friends ^^

I ask some out already.
The list is here:
Venue: Downtown East EHub, Lunch and Park :DD
Time: 12. 00 pm start till ???
:DD Only for fun luhhs, relax after drill competition and school work.

It's is just friends gathering, not birthday celebration!
Bowling rates:
Who want come please call me :DD
i t
11:34 PM
Jiayous senoir ~

jiayous senoir .. i believe we can win gold , best commander and CHALLENGE SHIELD :D

From ,
Annabelle :)
7:44 PM
about the competition !

yo peepos ,
can you all go and accept the email to be blog authors !!
anyways , i realised that we dont lock our arms during the creative drill
then when we march it looks like qian shou guan yin
really scared about tmr's competition !
i cant believe it's TOMORROW !
we have trained so HARD and we are gonna GIVE OUR BEST tmr !

"the way we play tonight
is what we leave behind
it all comes down to right now
it's up to us
so what we're gonna be ?
this is the last time to get it right
this is the last time to make it our night
we gotta show that we're all about
work together
this is the last chance to make our mark
history will know who we are !
this is the last game so make it count ,
it's now or never !"

though i took this from hsm song
but this is telling us that if we dont work together
we can achieve nothing !
and we all work so hard for the competition
we should give our best for that ONE last lap !!
just that LAST ONE !
we are gonna be a team tmr !!

love you all to BITS !
7:01 PM
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
18march prize presentation !

alecia and sockteng
them again !
kaiping and juntian
hahah !
grace !
grace with her FLOWERS
grace saluting !
hey , sorry , tilt your headds to see the pics !!
will do adjustments soon !!
really sorry !!

6:30 AM
moremoremoremore photos

6:15 AM
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

enjoyed drill today !
though today very hot , but
i think we did pretty well !!
so jiayou !!
anyway thanks joyce for th blogskin !!
my friend said that our drill not bad !!
love you all seniors !!
need do homework lerh ..
please rmb to hand me th money
and do NOT tell th senior ncos
about what we're giving them
ya thanks ..

5:26 AM
Monday, March 16, 2009
moremoremore photos

12:49 AM
moremore photos !

12:27 AM
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